Packaging instructions

DSG 6 DQ250 (02E) Mechatronic

DSG 7 DQ200 (0AM) Mechatronic

Prevent transport damage and improve the processing time



1. Make sure the box in which the part is shipped is large enough and has enough filling material: the part must not touch the side walls of the box!

2. Pack the parts you want to send along in a separate bag or box and then put them in the same box as the part you want to have remanufactured.

ECUs, ABS ECUs and turbo actuators

Specifically for ECUs, ABS ECUs and turbo actuators

1. Because these parts are heavier, the package needs to be filled extra tight so that the part remains firmly in the middle of the box.


instrument panels

Specifically for instrument panels

1. Use bubble wrap to protect the window as well as the protruding pins and mounting points against transport damage.

2. Air cushions around the component provide good protection against shocks and vibrations.


Specifically for TCUs

1. Protruding sensors are particularly sensitive to transport damage: the sensors can be easily broken off. So pack the TCU extra carefully and take this into account.

2. To prevent oil leakage, cover the bottom of the box with bubble wrap or plastic.

3. Never send the clutch pump of an Easytronic or Durashift TCU to us. These are particularly sensitive to transport damage and are not part of the remanufacturing process.

4. For the shipping of DSG 6 and DSG 7 mechatronics, ACtronics has developed special transport packaging. We strongly recommend that you send the mechatronics to us only in this special box.