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In this article, you can explore the causes and solutions for the OBD-II error codes C2116 and C2200, which are primarily detected in American brands like Chrysler, Dodge, and Jeep.
These fault codes signal issues within the Anti-lock braking system (ABS) or the Electronic Stability Program (ESP), which is also known as the Electronic Stability Control (ESC) system. These trouble codes can be diagnosed separately or in conjunction with each other.
Dodge Caliber
Dodge Nitro
Jeep Grand Cherokee
Jeep Patriot
Jeep Wrangler
These error codes commonly cause the ABS and traction control warning lights to turn on. You’ll see that the lights may temporarily switch off whilst driving but then re-illuminate when the car comes to a stop.
The main cause of these error codes is usually a defective ABS module, specifically the ATE MK26.
Begin troubleshooting by inspecting the wiring, connections and fuses. If these basic checks reveal no issues, it’s likely there is an internal defect in the ATE MK26 ABS module. As a vital braking component, this module requires proper attention from a trained professional. At ACTRONICS, we offer a comprehensive solution to resolve this ABS issue. Through thorough inspection, repair and testing of the faulty component, we can get you back on the road in no time. You can select the make, model and series when submitting your faulty ATE MK26 ABS module.
Our experts meticulously inspect and restore the part, replacing any defective components with improved versions. After comprehensive testing, the reconditioned module is quickly returned within two business days, backed by a two-year warranty for reliable performance.
At ACTRONICS, our remanufacturing process efficiently resolves malfunctions and fault codes. Our experienced specialists know how to repair faulty ABS’, ECUs, instrument clusters, and even TCUs.
For dealers and garages
Simply submit an order online and send the part to us. We aim to inspect, overhaul and test the part within two working days of receipt, so there is minimal delay for you. This way you not only save money, but you also contribute to the environment by reducing valuable raw materials.
For private individuals
If you are inquiring about your own personal car, you will need to go through a certified ACTRONICS Service Point. You can find your closest ACTRONICS-approved garage here.
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