If you find this code when scanning the ODB-II codes in a Vauxhall, it shows there is a fault in the shift-motor that is linked to the transmission. This fault is normally only seen with cars that are equipped with an Easytronic transmission.
Vauxhall Astra H
Vauxhall Corsa D
Vauxhall Meriva A
Vauxhall Zafira B
In short, any car that is equipped with an Easytronic transmission
Considering the fault code is directly related to the operation of the transmission, the driver will notice that the robotized transmission does not change gears properly any more. Besides this a flashing ‘F’ on the instrument cluster will give the driver notice that something is faulty in the Easytronic system.
The description of the fault code points in the direction of the shift motor of the Easytronic. Chances are there is a defect in the shift motor that triggers the fault code. This is not always correct though. Sometimes a defect in the wiring can cause problems with the Easytronic.
Because this fault code is often caused by defective wiring, we advise to thoroughly check this first. Verify that the wiring is correct, to eliminate problems. Especially the loom between the shift motor and the mechatronic is very sensitive. If the wiring is verified to operate correctly then it is probably the shift motor of the Easytronic that is defective. This fault can be fixed by remanufacturing the transmission. Create a remanufacture order, follow the steps on the website and send the part to us.
Note: When an Easytonic is send for remanufacture, the TCU, the clutch actuator, shift motor and the TCU wring loom. We need all these part to be able to test the complete system. The clutch pump is very delicate. It is better not to send this pump to prevent it being damaged during transportation. Disconnect the clutch pump, before the TCU is send to us. Do you have any more questions? Our customer service team is ready to help!
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