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It is a pity that Vauxhall is less popular nowadays because the brand has a rich history. In the 1960s and 1970s, Vauxhall was even the market leader in Germany and thus even bigger than competitor Volkswagen. In the 1980s, however, the brand was overtaken in terms of innovation and reliability. The manufacturer was still capable of making nice cars, just think of the various GSI and OPC models that were introduced. Moreover, the Astra sold very well and the Calibra was a car that had a huge fan base. Yet it did not work out completely in recent years. Since 2017, however, Vauxhall has been acquired from GM by PSA. Could this turn the tide?
Most remanufacturings are carried out on these Vauxhall models:
Looking for parts we can repair for your Vauxhall? Check out our most popular categories: Vauxhall ABS units, Vauxhall ECUs, Vauxhall Instrument cluster. Vauxhall TCUs
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